EVHRP SLIM High efficiency heat recovery unit for flow rates up to 110 m³/h


Ventilation unit complete with heat recovery exchanger, dedicated to air renewal without wasting of energy.
The unit is particularly suitable for single family housing, apartments and in all cases where the nominal flow rates for air exchange do not exceed 110 m³/h. Constant flow rate selectable in 3 levels.


-Sheet metal self-supporting frame.
Galvanised sheet metal panels, painted on the outside, with high density EPS internal insulation; Alucobond Composite front panel
-High efficiency counter-current cross-flow polypropylene heat exchanger. Low freezing temperatures. Very high heat exchange efficiency.
-Brushless fans with electronic motor and constant flow control; very high efficiency and low noise levels.
-ePM1 80% filters with low pressure drop for both supply and exhaust, easily removable.

Control electronics version S2

The unit is supplied without electronic board and the fan speed is changed by means of a 0-10V input signal.

It is possible to purchase the EVTDV remote terminal with LCD display separately, to control the speed of the fans and the bypass with various advanced functions, including:
- control of the speed of the individual fans independently, which means that the machine can be used in positive pressure or negative pressure mode;
- timed dirty filter warning;
- possibility of connecting the EVSQV air quality sensor, sold separately.

Control electronics version IN2

Electronic board for 3-step speed management, antifreeze function and automatic bypass. Wall-mounted remote touch panel on 503 box. On-board temperature sensors and possibility of managing auxiliary hot water coil.
Humidity / air quality regulators built into the remote display.
EVCNV2-N: advanced remote control with built-in humidity and VOC/CO₂ sensors, black.
EVCNV2-B: advanced remote control with built-in humidity and VOC/CO₂ sensors, white.
EVCNW2-N: advanced remote control with built-in humidity and VOC/CO₂ sensors and built-in Wi-Fi, black.
EVCNW2-B: advanced remote control with built-in humidity and VOC/CO₂ sensors and built-in Wi-Fi, white.

Electronic configuration IN2

A or B configurations selectable by electronics.


Homes, clinics, for air exchange with up to 90% reduction in energy waste.

Technical specifications

Type of Fans Forward-curved centrifugal - Brushless direct-coupled electronic motor
Number of Fans No. 2
Air flow rate m³/h 110
Useful pressure Pa 100
Heat exchanger (Data referring to the UNI EN 13141-7 Standard    Indoor temp. 20° - Indoor humidity 28% - Outside temp. 7° - Outside humidity 72%)
Type of heat exchanger Counter-current plates - polypropylene
Number of Heat exchangers No. 1
Heat recovery efficiency % 89,5
Type of filters Flat filters
Filtration class ePM1 80%
Acoustic data (Data referring to the UNI EN 3741 and UNI EN 3744 Standards)
Sound power Lw transmitted by the structure dB(A) 49
Sound power Lw radiated from the duct dB(A) 53
Average sound pressure Lp at 1 m dB(A) 42
Average sound pressure Lp at 3 m dB(A) 34
Electrical Data
Power supply V / ph / Hz 230 / 1 / 50
Current consumption A 0,35
Power consumption W 41
Protection rating IP X2
Dimensional data
Width mm 580
Depth mm 580
Height mm 190
Connection diameter mm 125
Condensate drain mm 12
Weight kg 15
classification of the various models according to the European regulation 1253/2014 and 1254/2014
With remote control EVCNV2 - EVCNW2 (UR/VOC-Co2) - A


Reference Description
A electrical cabinet
B Condensate drain horizontal installation
C Passage of power supply and display cables
D Condensate drain vertical installation
E Filter doors
F Circular connections Ø 160mm

Reference Description
PAE External air intake
EXP Expulsion
IMM Ambient air intake
RIP Room air intake

HORIZONTAL installation

S2 VERSION price list:

Item normally available from stock
EVHRP SLIM (configuration A) remote electronic control
Electric box for recessed installation for EVTDV air quality sensor
pair of filters kit
euro euro euro euro euro
1682,39 188,78 17,78 262,66 66,04

IN2 VERSION price list:

Item normally available from stock
model EVHRP SMALL (configuration A) remote electronic control EVCNV2-N. Black color remote electronic control EVCNV2 -B. White color EVCNW2-N remote electronic control with Wi-Fi connection. Black color EVCNW2-B remote electronic control with Wi-Fi connection. White color pair of filters kit
euro euro euro euro euro euro
08 1813,87 230,88 230,88 285,05 285,05 66,04