EDLSV - EDLSVB Hidden linear diffusers


Concealed linear diffusers for vmc systems with a 30 mm slot with an aerodynamic aluminium profile and adjustable deflectors for optimal air throw control.


Materiale: alluminium.
Finishing: EDLSV: painted black Ral 9005

Finishing: EDLSVB: painted white Ral 9016
Slot: 30 mm.

Installation: by means of a plenum box with a bridge assembly system. Placement of anti-crack tape on the frame and subsequent plaster skimming.
Dimensions avaible:
- Lenght 500 mm;
- Lenght 800 mm.


Diffuser suitable for air-supply or return in residential and commercial environments.


-EDLSV - EDLSVB hidden linear diffusers with deflectors (supply) 30 mm slot.


-isolated plenum;
-fixing bridges.

Hidden linear diffusers dimensions

Dimensions are expressed in mm

L A B C E D number of fixing bridges
500 70 65 58 51 90 2
800 2

Diffuser dimensional details

Operating data

Data referring a terminal throw velocity Vt = 0.25 m/s and with a temperature differential of 10/12°C in ceiling insallation and side air throw.

Operation data concerning to diffuser without damper or with open sliding damper.
Operation data concerning to diffuser with deflectors in working position with 50% reduction of the effective air passage surface.

The position of the deflectors reduce the effective section. When the deflectors are open or in return mode, the air flow (m³/h) could be increased.

Vk: effective speed (m/s)
m³/h: air flow
Pa: pressure drop in Pascal
L(m): air throw in meters
dB(A): noise level

Length EDLSVMC-EDLSVMCB Effective section m² Air flow and throw
500 mm 0,0073 m³/h 52 79 105 132 158 184
L(m) 1,6 2,5 3,4 4,2 6 5,8
800 mm 0,0116 m3/h 83 125 167 208 250 292
L(m) 1,6 2,5 3,4 4,2 5 5,8
Vk m/s 2 3 4 5 6 7
pressure drop Pa 8 15 26 40 55 70
noise index dB(A) <20 22 32 37 44 48

Features air throw

Plenum dimensions and mounting system with fixing bridges

PLENUM EPLS 500 including 2 sleeve type A Ø 63mm
PLENUM EPLS 800 including 3 sleeve type A Ø 63mm

Damper type C and sleeve type B Ø 75mm optional to be purchased separately.

Pre-cuts present on the plenums

Price list EDLSV paint black RAL9005 with slot 30 mm

Item normally available from stock
euro euro
500 51,93 85,08
800 59,71 98,91

Listino prezzi EDLSVB verniciato bianco RAL9016 con feritoia 30 mm

Item normally available from stock
euro euro
500 51,93 85,08
800 59,71 98,91

Price list accessories

Item normally available from stock
fixing bridge euro
fixing bridge for EDLSV EDLSVB 11,87
Additional sleeve for tube Ø 75 mm inside in pack of 5 pieces 24,29
Adjustment damper for connection diameter 63mm or 75mm inside in pack of 5 14,56
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