EGQR Egg crate grilles with frame 15 mm


Aluminium exhaust grilles with 15 mm frame and 13x13 mm pitch.


Material: aluminium.
Finish: natural anodised.
Installation: fastening to wall with magnet.


For air exhaust.
Its nice design and large effective cross-section make it ideal for civil installations.


- EPZS galvanised plenum;
- EPIS insulated plenum;
- SC galvanised steel regulation damper with blades with opposing movement.

Special versions

- False ceiling version 595x595 mm (external frame).

On request

- White RAL 9016 painting or other RAL colours.

Effective cross-section

200 300 400 500 600
  effective cross-section m²
100 0,014 0,020 0,026 0,035 0,044
150 0,022 0,032 0,045 0,058 0,070
200 0,030 0,046 0,058 0,076 0,092
300 0,046 0,070 0,092 0,126 0,156
400 0,058 0,092 0,130 0,170 0,210
500 0,076 0,126 0,170 0,205 0,258
600 0,092 0,156 0,210 0,258 0,328

Operating data

Vk: effective speed (m/s)
m³/h: flow rate
Pa: pressure drops in Pascal
dB(A): noise level

L: base
H: height
All dimensions are expressed in mm

H Vk
L Pa dB(A)
200 300 400 500 600
    flow rate m³/h
100 1 50 72 94 126 158 5 >20
3 150 216 280 378 475 12 28/32
5 250 360 282 630 790 20 35/40
150 1 80 115 162 209 252 5 >20
3 240 345 486 627 756 12 28/32
5 400 575 810 1045 1260 20 35/40
200 1 108 166 209 274 330 5 >20
3 234 498 627 822 990 12 24/26
5 540 830 1045 1370 1650 20 35/40
300 1 166 252 330 454 560 5 >20
3 498 756 990 1362 1680 12 24/26
5 830 1260 1650 2270 2800 20 35/40
400 1 209 330 468 612 756 5 >20
3 627 990 1404 1836 2268 12 24/26
5 1045 1650 2340 3060 3780 20 35/40
500 1 274 454 612 742 930 5 >20
3 822 1362 1836 2226 2790 12 24/26
5 1370 2270 3060 3710 4650 20 35/40
600 1 330 560 756 930 1180 5 >20
3 990 1680 2268 2790 3540 12 24/26
5 1650 2800 3780 4650 5900 20 35/40


All measurements are expressed in mm.

SC regulation damper

Galvanised steel regulation damper with blades with opposing movement.


model EGQR
dimensions top connection lateral connection E F model EGQR
dimensions top connection lateral connection E F
L x H L1 x H1 P1 no.
Ø d P2 no.
Ø d L x H L1 x H1 P1 no.
Ø d P2 no.
Ø d
200x100 195x95 200 1 95 200 1 95 80 8 500x200 495x195 200 2 195 300 2 195 80 8
300x100 295x95 200 1 95 200 1 95 80 8 600x200 595x195 200 2 195 300 2 195 80 8
400x100 395x95 200 2 95 200 2 95 80 8 300x300 295x295 200 1 195 300 1 195 80 8
500x100 495x95 200 2 95 200 2 95 80 8 400x300 395x195 200 1 245 300 1 195 80 8
600x100 595x95 200 2 95 200 2 95 80 8 500x300 495x295 200 1 245 350 1 245 80 8
200x150 195x145 200 1 145 250 1 145 80 8 600x300 595x295 200 2 195 300 2 195 80 8
300x150 295x145 200 1 145 250 1 145 80 8 400x400 395x395 200 1 295 400 1 295 80 8
400x150 395x145 200 1 145 250 1 145 80 8 500x400 495x395 200 1 295 400 1 295 80 8
500x150 495x145 200 2 145 250 2 145 80 8 600x400 595x395 200 2 245 350 2 245 80 8
600x150 595x145 200 2 145 250 2 145 80 8 500x500 495x495 200 1 345 450 1 345 80 8
200x200 195x195 200 1 145 260 1 145 80 8 580x580 575x575 200 2 245 350 2 245 80 8
300x200 295x195 200 1 195 260 1 145 80 8 600x500 595x495 200 2 245 350 2 245 80 8
400x200 395x195 200 1 195 300 1 195 80 8 600x600 595x595 200 1 245 450 1 345 80 8

dimensions top connection lateral connection modello EGQR
dimensioni top connection lateral connection
L x H L1 x H1 euro euro euro euro L x H L1 x H1 euro euro euro euro
200x100 195x95 29,94 41,70 29,94 41,70 500x200 495x195 50,07 66,10 55,07 67,29
300x100 295x95 32,40 44,96 32,40 44,96 600x200 595x195 63,10 80,51 69,40 88,54
400x100 395x95 42,12 55,80 42,12 55,80 300x300 295x295 40,35 55,38 44,39 60,76
500x100 495x95 44,58 59,14 44,58 59,14 400x300 395x195 55,07 71,59 60,56 78,70
600x100 595x95 47,04 62,45 47,04 62,45 500x300 495x295 58,41 76,05 67,17 87,43
200x150 195x145 32,01 44,27 35,20 48,65 600x300 595x295 68,40 87,43 75,24 I96,19
300x150 295x145 34,70 47,88 37,78 52,61 400x400 395x395 58,41 77,70 69,63 96,96
400x150 395x145 37,39 51,46 41,12 56,57 500x400 495x395 67,63 82,78 76,59 104,45
500x150 495x145 47,31 62,60 52,03 68,79 600x400 595x395 81,78 108,29 94,03 119,13
600x150 595x145 50,00 66,17 54,99 72,75 500x500 495x495 80,16 100,38 93,88 134,23
200x200 195x195 33,47 46,19 36,81 50,80 580x580 575x575 80,16 108,37 92,15 124,62
300x200 295x195 37,01 50,73 40,70 55,80 600x500 595x495 86,43 114,59 99,38 130,89
400x200 395x195 39,89 54,65 43,85 60,06 600x600 595x595 102,68 135,69 118,05 173,39
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