EGFR Perforated grilles with 15 mm frame


Air supply and exhaust grilles with perforated panel, with 15 mm frame.


Aluminium perimeter frame.
Galvanised steel panel.
Finish: painted white RAL 9016.
Installation: magnet fastening.

The perforated mesh is made according to the following specifications:
-60° alternating round holes;
-empty/full ratio 46%;
-diameter of holes 5mm;
-distance between centres 7mm.


For air exhaust in rooms.


- EPZS galvanised plenum;
- EPIS insulated plenum;
- SC galvanised steel regulation damper with blades with opposing movement.

On request

Painting in different RAL colours.

Effective cross-section

300 400 500 600
  Effective cross-section m²
300 0,037 0,050 0,064 0,077
400 0,050 0,068 0,086 0,104
500 0,064 0,086 0,108 0,131
600 0,077 0,104 0,131 0,157

Operating data

Vk: effective speed (m/s)
m³/h: flow rate
Pa: pressure drops in Pascal
dB(A): noise level
L: width
H: height
All measurements are expressed in mm.

H Vk
300 400 500 600
    flow rate m³/h
300 2 269 363 458 552
3 404 545 687 828
4 538 727 916 1104
400 2 363 491 618 746
3 545 736 928 1119
4 727 982 1237 1492
500 2 458 618 779 940
3 687 928 1169 1410
4 916 1237 1558 1879
600 2 552 746 940 1133
3 828 1119 1410 1700
4 1104 1492 1879 2267

Noise level dB(A)

sound power level 2 20/25
3 25/30
4 35/40

Pressure drop (Pa)

pressure drop 2 15
3 40
4 70


SC regulation damper

Galvanised steel regulation damper with blades with opposing movement.


model EGFR
dimensions top connection lateral connection E F
L x H L1 x H1 P1 no. connections Ø d P2 no. connections Ø d
300x300 295x295 200 1 195 300 1 195 80 8
400x300 395x195 200 1 245 300 1 195 80 8
500x300 495x295 200 1 245 350 1 245 80 8
600x300 595x295 200 2 195 300 2 195 80 8
400x400 395x395 200 1 295 400 1 295 80 8
500x400 495x395 200 1 295 400 1 295 80 8
600x400 595x395 200 2 245 350 2 245 80 8
500x500 495x495 200 1 345 450 1 345 80 8
580x580 575x575 200 2 245 350 2 245 80 8
600x500 595x495 200 2 245 350 2 245 80 8
600x600 595x595 200 1 245 450 1 345 80 8

Price list

Item normally available from stock
SC damper
300 400 500 600
euro euro euro euro
300 27,79 34,39 37,86 41,39
400 34,39 39,39 47,57 51,14
500 37,86 47,57 61,21 63,82
600 41,39 51,14 63,82 76,00

EGFR model dimensions top connection lateral connection
EPZS galvanised plenum EPIS insulated plenum EPZS galvanised plenum EPIS insulated plenum
L x H L1 x H1 euro euro euro euro
300x300 295x295 40,35 55,38 44,39 60,76
400x300 395x295 55,07 71,59 60,56 78,70
500x300 495x295 58,41 76,05 67,17 87,43
600x300 595x295 68,40 87,43 75,24 96,19
400x400 395x395 58,41 77,70 69,63 96,96
500x400 495x395 67,63 82,78 76,59 104,45
600x400 595x395 81,78 108,29 94,03 119,13
500x500 495x495 80,16 100,38 93,88 134,23
580x580 575x575 80,16 108,37 92,15 124,62
600x500 595x495 86,43 114,59 99,38 130,89
600x600 595x595 102,68 135,69 118,05 173,39
Request for product information

